college of engineering and applied sciences (CEAS)
graduate student orientation
As the Program Coordinator, I worked with a team to design the inaugural (and completely virtual!) Graduate Student Orientation for CEAS. I collaborated with campus partners to build the schedule and presentation content. In addition, I evaluated the program's success using post-orientation student feedback from surveys implemented in Qualtrics.

Creating community among new graduate students in a Covid world prompted the development of a two-week orientation program for all incoming masters and doctoral students in CEAS.
Under the supervision of Stony Brook University's Dean for Diversity and Outreach in the CEAS (Dr. Mónica Bugallo) and Assistant Vice President for Career Development and Experiential Education (Dr. Marianna Savoca), I developed a two-week program which included presentations from campus partners, several CEAS alumni panels, a Blackboard community with important campus resources, and evening "happy hours" for community-building with current graduate students.
Under the supervision of Stony Brook University's Dean for Diversity and Outreach in the CEAS (Dr. Mónica Bugallo) and Assistant Vice President for Career Development and Experiential Education (Dr. Marianna Savoca), I developed a two-week program which included presentations from campus partners, several CEAS alumni panels, a Blackboard community with important campus resources, and evening "happy hours" for community-building with current graduate students.